Returning Your Full Smile With Dentures

Losing all or most of your natural teeth can quickly impact your ability to enjoy life. Simple activities such as eating and speaking become a real chore without the aid of the teeth you rely upon to bite and articulate your speech. Your health may suffer as you lose out on nutrition from foods that […]

5 Causes of Tooth Sensitivity

Have you noticed that one or more of your teeth feel uncomfortable or painful when you’re enjoying hot or cold foods and beverages? It might be difficult for you to bite into an ice cream cone, drink a hot cup of coffee, or even breathe in the cold winter air. If these symptoms sound familiar, […]

The 4 Best Preventative Oral Health Technique

If you’ve ever been diagnosed with a cavity, you may have wondered what you could have done to avoid it. Fortunately, there are many oral health practices that can help prevent tooth decay and improve your smile. Here are four of the best preventative oral health techniques to incorporate into your routine. 1. Use Proper […]

Nervous to Visit the Dentist? 4 Tips to Keep You Calm

Regular visits to the dentist are essential for your health and well-being, but no one said they’re fun. If you have dental anxiety, you aren’t alone. Many people feel nervous about going to the dentist for routine checkups or procedures. Fortunately, there are ways you can cope with dental anxiety so you stay comfortable and […]

Is Restorative Dentistry Right for You?

At a typical dental checkup, you can count on your dentist and hygienist to provide preventative care and check for any issues in your mouth. If your dentist notices missing or damaged teeth, he or she might suggest restorative dentistry procedures. While you might think a missing or cracked tooth is just a cosmetic issue, […]

3 Signs You’re Losing Tooth Enamel

Did you know that tooth enamel is the hardest mineral substance in the human body? Unfortunately, despite its strength, it can wear away over time.  If your enamel begins to weaken or erode, you’re at increased risk of tooth decay. It’s important to know the signs of tooth enamel loss so you can take steps […]

The 6 Most Common Questions About Dentures

A healthy mouth begins with healthy teeth. Not having a full set makes it difficult to chew and undermines your confidence. If you’re missing more than a few teeth, you are a great candidate for dentures.  If you’re thinking about dentures, you probably have more than a few questions. There are many different types of […]

4 Tips for a Healthier Smile

We all know the importance of regular dental check-ups to ensure our oral health. But what can you do between dental visits to keep your smile healthy? Here we present you with four tips to help you maintain a healthier smile. 1. Brush Your Teeth You’ve heard this your entire life but did you know […]

The Connection Between Sinuses and Tooth Pain

If you have issues with sinus pressure and congestion from infections and allergy flair-ups, tooth pain can occur. This type of tooth pain can cause serious problems for those who suffer from this condition. Keep reading to find out more about the connection between your sinuses and teeth and what to do when this occurs. […]

Don’t Let These Trends Harm Your Oral Health

Fashion fads can come and go but they typically don’t harm your health. Dietary and holistic trends, on the other hand, can cause damage – particularly to your teeth and gums. If you find holistic and natural health trends appealing, it is wise to consult with your physician and your dentist before giving them a […]