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How A Root Canal Helps Save A Tooth

When a tooth develops an infection, patients can experience a host of uncomfortable symptoms and over time, risk the loss of their tooth completely. But with endodontic treatments, we can address concerns in the interior of your tooth and bring relief. At your helpful neighborhood dental clinic in Dallas, TX, we can offer infection relief with a […]

How Root Canals Restore Dental Health

There are different ways to respond to issues with your oral health like dental decay and damage. For minor cosmetic injuries and smaller cavities, more conservative treatments are available. However, when a problem with your tooth is serious enough to threaten its inner structure, more involved care is necessary. Our Dallas, TX dental office is […]

FAQs About Root Canal Treatment

Root canal treatment is a common dental procedure that can prevent the need for tooth extraction. If your dentist has recommended that you receive root canal therapy, it is for good reason. This treatment can make it possible to keep a diseased biological tooth. Following are answers to common questions about root canal therapy. What […]

If my tooth doesn’t hurt, why do I need root canal treatment?

Just because your tooth does not hurt at this moment does not preclude the need for a root canal. In many cases, there are no obvious symptoms that indicate the need for a root canal. But you could have an infection brewing that could result in a serious toothache as well as an abscess that […]

When is root canal treatment recommended?

A root canal is a dental procedure that allows your tooth to be saved when the only other option is extraction. There are many reasons a root canal may be needed … a hairline fracture to a tooth may allow bacteria to permeate the tooth impacting the nerve; excessive tooth decay; or a traumatic event […]

Will root canal therapy save my tooth?

Endodontic therapy (root canal) is required when the nerve of the tooth has been damaged through trauma, infection, or deep decay. The alternative to a root canal is extraction, so if your dentist diagnoses the need for a root canal, you have a choice to make. Save the Tooth or Extract Many patients have heard […]

Recovery From Root Canal Therapy

Root canal therapy is a procedure that can help you keep a tooth that might otherwise have to be extracted. Although the procedure has a bad reputation, it is not any more uncomfortable than having a filling or a crown placed, and the recovery is usually straightforward. Taking Care of Yourself After a Root Canal […]

How Does a Root Canal Become Infected?

Many people associate the term “root canal” with a dental procedure. However, it is actually the name of a part of your tooth. This interior portion of the tooth houses nerve tissue that can become infected. If infection sets in, the dental procedure is used to clear out the area and remove all the affected […]