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Will my whitened teeth retain their new color?

teeth whitening CarrolltonTeeth whitening is a simple and popular way to spruce up the look of your smile. It is performed in your dentist’s office, and generally only takes about an hour. You can have your teeth whitened for a special occasion or simply because you would prefer your teeth to look whiter and brighter. If you take good care of your teeth after they are whitened, your new, brighter smile should last for several months.

Taking Care of Your Whitened Teeth

If you have had your teeth whitened, it is important to maintain good oral hygiene so they will remain white. If your teeth became discolored due to exposure to staining agents like coffee, tea, or nicotine, you should avoid these substances to prevent future staining. You should also brush and floss regularly to keep your teeth clean and healthy. A whitening toothpaste can help maintain the color of your teeth after treatment.

If you experience sensitivity after whitening, which is not uncommon, toothpaste for sensitive teeth can help reduce your discomfort. Ask your dentist for a recommendation if you are not sure about the best toothpaste to use. If you notice your teeth becoming a bit duller, you can have a touch-up treatment, which won’t take as long as your initial whitening.

How Teeth Whitening Works

Teeth whitening is a very common procedure in cosmetic dentistry. It involves placing a whitening agent on the surfaces of the teeth. Whitening performed in the dentist’s office uses a professional-strength whitener that is more effective than those you can acquire over the counter.

In-office tooth whitening is performed in the dentist’s chair. Typically, your dentist applies a coat of the bleaching agent and leaves it in place for about twenty minutes. It is then removed, and a new coating is applied. After the third application, your teeth will have lightened several shades. Over the next several days, your teeth will continue to lighten. The full effect of your teeth whitening treatment can be seen after three or four days.

For more whitening questions, contact our office today!