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Is Restorative Dentistry Right for You?

At a typical dental checkup, you can count on your dentist and hygienist to provide preventative care and check for any issues in your mouth.

If your dentist notices missing or damaged teeth, he or she might suggest restorative dentistry procedures. While you might think a missing or cracked tooth is just a cosmetic issue, your dentist knows that healthy teeth are important for your overall health.

Here is an overview of what you need to know about restorative dentistry and if it’s right for you.

What is restorative dentistry?

Restorative dentistry includes any dental procedure that helps fix cracked, decayed, and missing or damaged teeth. 

Restorative procedures are considered cosmetic because they fix and repair a smile blemished by imperfect teeth. They are also beneficial for a patient’s overall health, as strong teeth are necessary for a proper diet and for preventing further issues.

What are signs I might need restorative dentistry?

If you have a missing tooth, the gap can cause issues with chewing and the proper alignment of your jaw. Other teeth may start to move, or you may notice it is more difficult to completely clean your mouth.

If you have a damaged tooth, you might notice discoloration or pain from a crack or cavity. You might even remember a tooth breaking if you bit into a hard piece of food or experienced physical damage to your mouth. 

If you are unhappy with the current color or shape of your teeth, you might want restorative dentistry, as cosmetic options can help improve your smile.

What are my restorative treatment options?

Bonding / Fillings

Your dentist can use tooth-colored bonds and fillings to fill cracks or repair damaged teeth, treat cavities, or cosmetically improve the shape, size, or color of your teeth.

Crowns and Bridges

Crowns and bridges are an option for strengthening a compromised tooth or effectively replacing one or more missing teeth.


If you have a stained, chipped, or worn tooth, a veneer is a thin covering that can help improve its appearance and function.

Removable Appliances

Full and partial dentures are examples of removable appliances that are best for patients with several missing teeth or no remaining natural teeth.

Schedule an Appointment Today

As with any dental concerns, regular checkups are the best way to prevent and identify issues in your mouth. Contact Bliss Dental to make an appointment today, so your dentist can help you determine if restorative dentistry is right for you.