Common causes and symptoms of toothache

dentist North DallasOne common reason to visit the dentist is to diagnose and treat a toothache. Although you should not wait until you are experiencing discomfort to make an appointment with the dentist, if you are experiencing a toothache or other symptoms that there may be a problem, it is important to seek treatment.

What Causes a Toothache?

Toothaches can occur due to a variety of problems with your teeth. Most people assume that if they have a toothache it’s because of a cavity, but in most cases cavities do not produce symptoms. If tooth decay has progressed far enough that you are experiencing discomfort, it usually means the tooth has been significantly damaged.

Some of the most common causes of toothache include:

  • Damage to the tooth enamel
  • Damage to the tooth’s interior
  • Impacted tooth

To alleviate symptoms from these issues, you’ll need to see your dentist. If your tooth is decayed, a restoration can eliminate your discomfort. Severe damage, however, might required root canal therapy or extraction.

Symptoms of Toothache

A toothache can produce other symptoms in addition to discomfort in the tooth. You might also experience these symptoms without extreme discomfort. Anything that feels unusual or uncomfortable in your mouth could indicate an underlying problem that should be treated.

Other symptoms that should be brought to your dentist’s attention include:

  • Persistent bad breath or a bad taste in the mouth
  • Redness or swelling in the gums
  • Extreme sensitivity
  • Persistent headache, earache, or aching in the jaw

Your dentist can evaluate your symptoms and determine if you need treatment to alleviate them. If your tooth is decayed, a filling or dental crown might be necessary. For impacted teeth or damage to the tooth’s interior, you will mostly likely require root canal treatment. Your teeth can also ache because other teeth are trying to emerge. This might require extraction, particularly in the case of wisdom teeth. With proper treatment, your dentist can alleviate your discomfort and often help you keep a tooth even if it has been severely damaged.

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