Break These Bad Brushing Habits

dentist north DallasYour dentist advises you to brush your teeth twice every day; however, many people do not know the correct way to brush so they may be doing more harm than good.

Bad Brushing Habits

Scrubbing Teeth – A heavy hand using a sawing, back and forth motion can lead to premature gum erosion and worn dental enamel. Employ even, circular motions brushing a few teeth at a time. Make sure you brush the back, front, and top surfaces of all teeth.

Brushing too soon after eating – You may be tempted to brush right away, but many of the foods and beverages we consume can soften dental enamel. Wait at least thirty to sixty minutes to prevent damaging precious enamel.

Overusing your toothbrush – Your toothbrush should be replaced every three months or more often if you see bristles have become worn.

Ineffective brushing – You may think a quick spin around your mouth is sufficient, but you should be brushing a full two minutes at least twice a day to keep teeth as clean as possible.

Taking care of your toothbrush – You brush and throw it into a jar until the next time. Or you may think you should enclose your toothbrush in a container to prevent contamination. The correct way to store your toothbrush is to allow it to air out between uses by placing it head side up making sure it does not come into contact with any other users’ toothbrushes.

Good Brushing Habits 

Thoroughly rinse your toothbrush both before and after brushing making sure to store it properly.

Use a fluoridated toothpaste.

Once you’ve brushed your teeth for two minutes, thoroughly rinse your mouth to flush away all harmful bacteria and food debris.

One of the best tools you can invest in to properly care for your teeth is an electric toothbrush. The benefits are plentiful. Thanks to the rapid brushing action, you merely have to guide the brush head to reach all areas of your mouth. And since there is a timer to signal when you’ve brushed the full two minutes, you have the assurance of knowing you’re not skimping in this important aspect of dental care.

Visit our dentist at Bliss Dental as often as recommended to have teeth cleaned and examined to help you maintain optimum oral health.

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