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Bad breath is embarrassing either when you have it or someone else has it.

If you have been diagnosed with halitosis (bad breath) it can be very hard on your self-esteem and emotions. You might become too conscious about it and withdraw from socializing or worry it might affect your life in other ways. Don’t let having bad breath ruin your life!
Talk to your dentist or your physician about what is causing the problem.

Some types of bad breath, such as “morning mouth,” are considered to be fairly normal, and usually are not health concerns. The “morning mouth” type of bad breath occurs because the saliva that regularly washes away decaying food and odors during the daytime diminishes at night while you sleep. Your mouth becomes dry, and dead cells adhere to your tongue and to the inside of your cheeks. Bacteria use these cells for food and expel compounds that have a foul odor.

Bad breath can be caused by the following:

  • Poor dental hygiene — Infrequent or improper brushing and flossing can leave food particles to decay inside the mouth. Bacterial growth between teeth, on gums and on tongue can cause bad breath
  • Infections in the mouth — Periodontal (gum) disease, dental caries, yeast infection of mouth, ill fitting dental appliances.
  • Respiratory tract infections — Throat infections, sinus infections, lung infections, pneumonia, bronchitis
  • External agents — Garlic, onions, coffee, cigarette smoking, chewing tobacco
  • Dry mouth (xerostomia) — It can be caused by salivary glanbadbreathd problems, medications or by “mouth breathing.”
  • Systemic illnesses — Diabetes, liver disease, kidney disease, lung disease, sinus disease, reflux disease and others
  • Psychiatric illness — Some people may perceive that they have bad breath, but oral-health-care professionals or others do not notice it. This is referred to as “pseudohalitosis.”

Adults with hectic lifestyles tend to neglect some of the basic oral hygiene regimens such as BRUSHING and FLOSSING. When this happens, these adults gain various gum problems such as gingivitis, which is a major cause of bad breath in adults. Simply brushing the teeth at least twice a day and flossing at least once in the evening provides optimum gum and teeth protection.

One of the Causes of Bad Breath in Adults is Stress
When a person is stressed, it causes the mouth to dry up. Once the mouth is dry, it becomes a perfect breeding ground for bacteria to grow. This bacterium excretes sulphur like foul smell that results in bad breath. When a person is experiencing a high level of stress, it is important to take a breather and find healthy ways to relax. Eliminating stress can help to eliminate one of the causes of bad breath in adults.

Steps for preventing bad breath:
1. Clean your mouth thoroughly and regularly; also brushing between the tongue and teeth, not just to look good, but for oral health and cleaner breath. Clean your tongue and floss regularly.

2. Keep your mouth moisturized.

3. Chewing gum stimulates saliva production (in addition to covering up the odor with some kind of scent). Mints do not encourage saliva production. Look for gum sweetened with xylitol. For one thing, sugar’s not good for your mouth. Xylitol is a sugar substitute that actually works to prevent bacteria from replicating in the mouth.

4. Drink water. Swish the water between your teeth from side to side. Water won’t necessarily increase saliva production, but it’ll wash out your mouth and it’s good for you.

5. Dry mouth can be caused by certain medications and medical conditions. Ask your doctor about switching medications, or addressing the underlying condition.

6. Talk to a doctor.

If you are suffering from bad breath , to find out cause and possible treatment please contact Bliss Dental at 972-307-7777..