5 Causes of Tooth Sensitivity

Have you noticed that one or more of your teeth feel uncomfortable or painful when you’re enjoying hot or cold foods and beverages? It might be difficult for you to bite into an ice cream cone, drink a hot cup of coffee, or even breathe in the cold winter air. If these symptoms sound familiar, you probably have tooth sensitivity.

Tooth sensitivity is common, and your symptoms could range from mild and temporary pain to long-lasting discomfort. If you’re wondering why your teeth are suddenly sensitive, here are five common causes of tooth sensitivity.

1. Excessive BrushingPhoto by Pavel Danilyuk: https://www.pexels.com/photo/a-smiling-woman-holding-a-lollipop-8422509/

You might brush your teeth aggressively or frequently, hoping that you’re improving your oral health. Unfortunately, this habit can wear away the hard outer enamel of your teeth and make you more susceptible to sensitivity. Instead, it’s best to brush your teeth twice a day with a soft bristle toothbrush.

2. Eating Acidic Foods and Beverages

Some foods and beverages can wear down the protective enamel of your teeth and cause tooth sensitivity. If you eat acidic foods such as soft drinks, wine, fruit juices, citrus fruits, and sour candies, you could end up with sensitive teeth.

3. Gum Disease

Periodontal disease, or gum disease, causes your gums to recede and expose more of your tooth. The roots of your teeth can sometimes also become exposed, which leaves them vulnerable to heat and cold and results in tooth sensitivity.

4. Tooth Grinding

Grinding your teeth is a habit that occurs when you unconsciously grind or clench your teeth when you are sleeping or awake. It can cause headaches, jaw disorders, and damaged teeth and enamel. Damaged enamel can lead to sensitivity since the outer protective layer of your teeth begins to wear away.

5. Tooth Whitening

Many people whiten their teeth for cosmetic reasons, and understandably white teeth help create an aesthetically pleasing smile. Unfortunately, tooth whitening can also lead to sensitivity because it wears away enamel and can irritate your gums.

Tell Your Dentist if You’re Experiencing Sensitive Teeth

If you start to experience tooth sensitivity, give us a call at Bliss Dental. We can help determine the cause and provide treatment options that can decrease pain and discomfort. We may also recommend habit changes, such as using a soft-bristle toothbrush, avoiding acidic foods and beverages, and using a sensitive toothpaste.

Don’t wait to contact us to discuss your tooth sensitivity. Request an appointment today.

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